more than just a massage
Wellness is a connection. A connection with yourself and with your surroundings.
Guests who share the adventure on the TRUE NORTH often remark that they feel re-invigorated. Perhaps because just that day they have hiked through the rain forest, taken a shower under a majestic waterfall, marvelled at ancient rock art and landed the fish of their dreams.
Wellness is also detoxification. A stroll along a beach with just yourself for the company and the enjoyment of simple but tasty meals freshly prepared and often featuring locally sourced ingredients.
Sharing experience with like-minded guest, spending time with chaperoning crew and engaging with those who cherish blameless existence in paradise not yet lost.
And wellness is never better attained than through redemption – the regaining of spirit through acts of thoughtfulness and kindness.
Our company maintains an active redemption program, especially when operating adjacent to underprivileged communities in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
Each year the TRUE NORTH delivers significant donations of clothing, school resource and sporting equipment to the many villages and communities that are included in our program.
We also provide school sponsorship, support the efforts of Conservation International and, provides other day-to-day assistance wherever possible.
Some other examples of our engagement in redemptive travel include:
If you would like your TRUE NORTH adventure to be a redemptive experience – contact our sales team for more information on current programs.