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Fishing tales from the true north!

Peter Hall

Halley has been guiding fishers of all ages for more than 20 years!

He is a favourite with our guests account of a dry wit and patience that resonates through-out the adventure boat fleet.

And Hally is as equally passionate about what’s on the plate as he is about what’s in the water.

A big part of fishing on-board the TRUE NORTH is bringing what you catch back to the galley – straight off the hook, into the ice box and then the chefs take delight in preparing your lunch or dinner – you can’t get much fresher than that!

“There’s nothing that brings a bigger smile to someone’s dial than catching a barramundi”

Gav Graham

Gav joined the TRUE NORTH as deckhand/guide and now he’s the captain! Although he probably doesn’t go fishing as much as he used to, he has been fortunate enough to guide many of our fishing guests over the years and he still manages a troll every now and then!

The luxury of having so many adventure boats at our disposal means that we can accommodate different fishing styles and, varying degrees of experience. Recently, Gav even managed to score a barra for the boss’ Mum – on her birthday no less! Nice one Gav, now we know how you made it to the top!

“I always think the ladies out-fish the men as they’re not so panicked about catching the big one.”

Speed Boat - True North Adventure Cruise
Crew in Adventure boats for Fishing
Kimberley Fishing Tales

Hannah Vandermark

Fishing is not exclusively about reeling-in the big ones! As the adventure boats glide through river systems and flood ways the scenery can take your breath away – fish dart from the bow, crocodiles slide down muddy banks and the fringing mangroves are a ‘twitchers’ delight.

Cruise director Hannah knows where to find those extra-special fishing spots that are equally stunning for sightseeing. And what better way to enjoy a Kimberley vista than with a refreshing beverage! Even in the most-remote river Han can produce the perfect accompaniment.

“So what else do you do at 7’oclock in the morning when the fish are not biting. Of course we popped a bottle of champagne and, once the bubbles were flowing, we ended up bringing in a few mangrove jack.”

Kier Clifford

Adventure cruising aboard the TRUE NORTH has always been about the experience. The high crew to guest ratio, no less than 6 dedicated adventure boats and not forgetting the ship’s helicopter – we can always make sure that our guests are totally immersed in the destination and our Australian crew are there to enhance every moment – their enthusiasm and passion is hard to resist and Kier is one of our biggest characters! He is guaranteed to roll out a good story and get some laughs.

Who would believe the story of hooking a lost rod and then landing the mangrove jack that was still on the end of the line – if there weren’t guests there to join-in the fun!

‘He managed to get the rod back and the fish that took the ladies rod, it was pretty funny.

Kimberley Fishing Tales
Kimberley Fishing Tales
Kimberley Fishing Tales
Kimberley Fishing Tales
Sep. 02, 2024 Fishing in the Kimberley – what you need to know

Fishing in the Kimberley – what you need to know

Learn everything you need to know about fishing in the Kimberley, including top locations, fishing seasons, popular species, and tips for a successful trip.

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Sep. 02, 2024 Why You Need to Visit Kangaroo Island | True North

Why You Need to Visit Kangaroo Island | True North

Uncover the must-see sights and activities on Kangaroo Island, including wildlife encounters, coastal adventures, and local culinary delights.

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Jul. 29, 2024 Barramundi fishing in the Kimberley – one for the bucket list!

Barramundi fishing in the Kimberley – one for the bucket list!

Ever wanted to experience the thrill of Kimberley barramundi fishing? Here’s all the info you need to cast your line.

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Jul. 19, 2024 Are there crocodiles in the Kimberley?

Are there crocodiles in the Kimberley?

Are there crocodiles in the Kimberley? Yes, and they're integral to its ecosystem. Learn more and explore safely with our expert-led Kimberley cruises.

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Jul. 18, 2024 The geological wonders of the Kimberley

The geological wonders of the Kimberley

Wondering if you can walk on the Montgomery Reef? Short answer: no. Learn why walking on this marvel is not allowed and discover the responsible way to enjoy it.

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