It comes around every year.
In fact, right at the end of the year.
With just hours to go – we religiously get together to celebrate the passing of yet another calendar year. For some it’s a very religious event – the same agenda at the same venue, year-in, year-out. Or perhaps it should be year-out, year-in?
It could be something as simple as a BBQ in a mate’s backyard – a ritual that gets the job done without causing too much bother. A couple of bottles of champagne and maybe some cheeky firecrackers at midnight. And then it’s time for someone to remind you that they volunteered to drive you home!
The agenda is not that much different down at the club. Maybe the players are a bit more dressed-up and it’s always nicer with table service – but not long after the streamers end-up on the dance floor – you’d better not miss that taxi booking because you won’t be able to find another one! Maybe you always spend some time at the beach-house. And there’s always a fireworks extravaganza somewhere.
But we’re not all creatures of habit. Many seek out something new to do. Maybe one year it was a booking at an exclusive restaurant. A night at the casino or maybe even a night at the trots might be fun. Celebrating New Year in a different city or better still in a different country is definitely a fun thing to do – but maybe not this year.
Regardless, it can always be a tough act to follow. So much anticipation. The end of another year-long slog and the promise of better things ahead. How can you go wrong? Maybe that’s it – we always head out thinking this will be the best one yet and when it’s all done and dusted – it can be a bit of a let-down!
But not this year!

This year is going to be different for sure. In fact, this year you could start proceedings the day before. At 5 o’clock on December 30 you could be enjoying your first cocktail. Washing down an aperitif with much more in store! Meeting others equally determined that this year will be a New Year like no other. Already you could be revelling in the welcoming surrounds of Australia’s premier adventure yacht. Because this year you could be celebrating New Year on the TRUE NORTH.
Not long after 5 – it’s time for a leisurely sail to ‘Rotto’. You might have done it a few times before – but maybe not like this. A chance to soak-up the atmosphere on the TRUE NORTH’s new-look sun-deck. The perfect spot to be as the sun starts to sink into the horizon ahead. The TRUE NORTH’S attentive crew are already weaving their magic – you don’t need to lift much more than your glass. And by now everyone will be getting into the swing – perhaps this year could truly be a New Year like no other. And with that thought in mind it’s time to head down to the saloon. Your first chance to savour the dining experience that has helped to make an adventure on the TRUE NORTH one of the country’s most-desired things to do.
It’s not fine dining, it’s fun dining. Sit next to someone new and join-in the fun. It’s inescapable, it’s what being on the TRUE NORTH is all about – just having fun. And it doesn’t get much better than mixing fine food and fun! Bon appetite!

Maybe you’ll go to bed early, maybe you won’t. But everyone will wake to the delights of Perth’s favourite island playground. And this time there will be no limits to taking advantage of everything that Rottnest has to offer!
Want to slip ashore for a quick swim at the beach – no problem. Head out for a spot of early morning fishing or give the crew a hand to set some lobster pots. Take a stand-up paddle board for a spin or go ashore for quick walk to the settlement and maybe even a sneaky ‘heart-starter’ at the pub. Remember, it’s New Year’s Eve – everyone is going to be in a pretty good mood! After lunch you could go for a snorkel or a dive, or for a spin in the helicopter. With six adventure boats and a ship’s helicopter at your disposal you can’t go wrong and, you’re first day onboard will disappear pretty quickly.
But don’t despair – it’s time for more hors d’oeuvres in the ship’s lounge and we’re pretty sure you’ll want to head back out onto the sun deck to watch the last sunset of the year. And if you thought last night’s dinner was special, tonight the crew will have prepared your table with even more fun in mind. The chef’s will astound and the champagne will flow – this is surely the best night of the year to be on the TRUE NORTH! There’s a good chance that the laughs will go on for some time but when you’re ready, the lounge awaits. Again, the crew will have prepared the room and all you have to do is dance the night away!
Catch your breath under a thousand stars – it’s summer in Perth and there’s every chance the night will be still. Not a mooring will be spare and every boat will be festooned with lights. The sounds of a much-more crowded venue will drift across the bay and you will be able to see the fireworks from one end of Perth to the other. No need to call a taxi – you can wander off to the delights of your cabin whenever you like….or maybe not! And the best part is – this New Year’s Eve still has 2 days to go!